All in Changing Our Feelings About Money

How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Spending Money on Yourself

Over the last few weeks I've been sharing how money asked to be a husband during one of the meditations. Since then I have noticed a change in how I relate to money. And it's a great change.

I noticed that there's a trust and gratitude within me when it comes to money. It's something that's definitely new and it wasn't always there until I started doing the spirit of money meditations and inner child meditations to let go of the past.

I used to look at my bills or expenses and obsess about cutting them and sometimes feel upset that unexpected bills would appear.

I remember arriving in Dubai at the beginning of last month and just being shocked at the pricing of everything.

Why Commitment is the Key to Financial Wellbeing


Last week I wrote about how I only had 29 days (22 days, now) to pack up my life and find a new place or country to live.


I'm slowly becoming aware that 2017 is a different type of year for me. I suspect it may be a new breed of year but at least it's been fun so far.


Since getting the news, I’ve been redoing the Creating Money Magic course and using the Spirit of Money meditations to help me understand next steps I have to take.

I’ve pretty much decided to head to Dubai for April and meet with the yoga studios I’m hosting workshops at and also connect with bloggers out there.