All in Self care and Setting boundaries

Tips to Cope and Recover if Your Small Business Has Closed

During COVID-19, many businesses that have closed won’t be reopening in the future — with restaurants, retail stores, beauty businesses, and bars being hit the hardest. And while closing a business can be emotionally and financially distressing, there are some things entrepreneurs can do to care for their financial, emotional, and physical health during this challenging time...

How Perfectionism And The Fear Of Criticism Hold Us Back Financially

We need to talk about the perfect kids.

The kids or teens who were the good kids, the straight A kids who were the model kids, the kids we were sometimes compared to growing up. We need to talk about how this weight of perfection holds them back in adulthood and holds them back financially.

These were the kids, who always did as they were told and were respectful to a fault. They rarely experimented in alcohol or cannabis and were focused on all the right things. Everyone had high hopes for them.

They were seen as successful before they even reached university.

I was NOT this kid.

I was the kid parents would feel sorry for or thank God their children weren't like that. I was too weird, too outspoken, too visibly tortured and I was a runaway teen with who spent time on the streets making friends with sex workers.

if anyone actually believed I woulproductive as an adult?

On Making Ourselves Invisible So We Can Fit In

Furaya Joyce says, "Stop shrinking yourself to fit places you've outgrown."

I can't get this quote out of my mind and I keep thinking about how we sabotage ourselves financially to fit people and places we’ve outgrown:

*Job positions



*Pricing (refusing to increase price to reflect quality and experience)



*Romantic relationships

We know it's time to move on, but we refuse and fight it at all costs.

We see the signs and fight them.

We hear the intuitive nudge and ignore it.

Until life makes us and forces us out and when that happens, it's not nice and never peaceful.

How are you shrinking yourself to fit in something you have outgrown and how is it affecting your finances?

When we shrink ourselves, we make ourselves invisible so we can fit in.