Who Taught us that We have to Only Make Money Once a Month or Once a Week?

Who Taught us that We have to Only Make Money Once a Month or Once a Week?

There are 365 days in a year and we earn money 12 or 52 times in those 365 days?

Who told us that we work so we can retire comfortably?

That a good life is one where we work and save and work and save and then eventually one day when we have "enough money" we can start to do the things that set our souls on fire?

If it feels off and you find yourself unable to adapt to this way of being, maybe it's because it is off.

The concept of retirement was actually invented in 1889 by a German chancellor and became massively popular in the 1930s, up until then we used to work until we died, which was also not ideal.

So yes, retirement is awesome and a noble concept and I am not about to fight it because I love the  idea.

Humans are thousands of years old, so retirement is a new made up concept in human history

The 9 to 5 corporate life ideology is not even 100 years old and yet we sell it like it is the only option available to us to live.

The modern concept of working in an office for 40 plus years and then retiring is less than 100 years old and humans are thousands of years old, so for thousands of years, we somehow survived without this way of living.

To be clear, I'm not against the concept of working in a corporation, because it is a part of human evolution, but I do not think it is the only path available to us as humans. 

Also I don't understand or like the idea that we have to work 8 hours a day, keep going up the career ladder, fight to be in management positions, pretend like there isn't only like 10 or so executive level positions in a company and only one CEO position but we work super hard to maybe one day be picked to occupy one of these very limited positions.

This just breeds insane competition and unnecessary envy.

And let's not forget how those at the top then treat those at the bottom, which gives rise to toxic work cultures. 

Who benefits from this narrative that we have to work super hard so we can one day retire in comfort as we save and train ourselves to deny material desires and call that frugality and good financial management?

Is it really hard to make money or is the system making it hard?

Ironically this whole system and how it is set up, reinforces the belief that it is hard to make money and that money is our master.

Or that to make money we have to trade in the only real things we own in this world - our bodies and our time. 

And then retire at 65 and then start to really live our lives (or so we are told). 

I am Not convinced that this system works (maybe it works for a few). 

Is this system even fair?

Should it really be this hard to make money? Really?

Is this what our souls traveled here to do and experience?

I could never buy into this model and I suspect many people are struggling to buy into it as well.

Maybe life and adulting is not hard but the system is so messed up it makes adulting hard?

And I get it - many people work within this system because they need money. We all need money to live. 

This is why I do the work I do around healing ancestral money trauma, because the more of us that make money whilst living our purpose and crafting our own journey, the more we normalize other ways of living and working for those around us and for the next generation.

By giving ourselves permission to do things our way, we allow others to do the same and truly listen to their soul calling so they make money in a way that is in alignment with their souls. 

I believe this is how we start to change family money stories and generational wealth - by first living our truth ❤️

If you are done with the old ways of living and building a business, and feel ready to make money in a way that aligns with your soul and spirit, then I invite you to check out and register or get on the waiting list  for the #MoneyMagic course here: wealthy-money.com/moneymagic

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