The Importance of Honoring Our Womb Cycles

There's something really scary and insidious about the old/current system that teaches us that the only way to make money is to work hard and that people are poor because they don't work hard enough.

And then shames the poor for being poor. 

A system that tells us to hustle day in and day out and to never rest and guilt trips us for resting. 

There's a dangerous teaching that says if you love what you do, you will never feel tired and will be happy to keep working relentlessly.

Maybe this would work for cis men, I don't know.

But what I do know is that this teaching is not designed for people with wombs.

Does this advice really work for new mothers?

Breastfeeding mothers?

Women on their periods (not to mention women with painful periods and/or heavy flows)?

Our bodies literally change on a daily basis, our hormone levels change daily, we bleed for 3 - 7 days a month.

So how can we be expected to slave away continuously? 

If a man was bleeding non stop for 3 days from his arm, no one would expect him to work 

If a man bled for 3 to 7 days non stop in his arm, a place that was visible, we would all be horrified. And if they bled like this every month we would be calling doctors, they would be a medical mystery.

All attention would be given to this arm. 

And again - we would not expect them to work, we would not call them weak for not working, we wouldn't imply that their moodiness or need for rest is a weakness or sign that they lack ambition or aren't serious about making money. 

And yet women are expected to keep working throughout their cycles and to do so with a smile. 

[Please allow me to be angry and moody on my period because I am literally bleeding.]

In fact we keep getting new pads and tampons and medicines that make it easier for us to keep working and producing as though we are NOT bleeding.

We’re taught to numb the messages of the womb in favor of production with zero attention being given to the womb and what she is trying to tell us.

The focus is on how to make us better workers. 

And of course we still get paid less than men globally. That's our reward for working through the pain and exhaustion.

Is it any wonder that so many women are struggling with womb ailments? 

Honestly F this system.

People with wombs deserve better than this. It really doesn't deserve us.

This is why so many women have deep issues with money, because these teachings go against our womb wisdom and what our wombs are asking of us.

Too many women have had to dissociate from their bodies to survive this system and it’s violence towards our wombs

These work, money and business teachings feel off because they are off.

Today I am just angry that so many of us were forced to buy into money codes that were not designed for us as women.

Of course I can work non stop and never take a break if I didn't get tired a few days before my period, have a period, ovulate, not worry about pregnancy etc

But this is not my reality so I choose to honor my womb and her cycles. If that makes me unambitious then so be it, I am here to find a way to make money that also honors my body and my health. 

And I am here to teach other women to do the same - to make money in a way that not only honors their spirit, but also honors their bodies.

If you are done with the old ways of living and building a business, and feel ready to make money in a way that aligns with your soul and spirit, then I invite you to check out and register or get on the waiting list  for the #MoneyMagic course here:

 My Experience has Taught Me that Formal Education doesn’t Lead to Financial Freedom

My Experience has Taught Me that Formal Education doesn’t Lead to Financial Freedom

Who Taught us that We have to Only Make Money Once a Month or Once a Week?

Who Taught us that We have to Only Make Money Once a Month or Once a Week?