All tagged chakra

Exploring the Link between Sex, Pleasure and Money

Last week, I explored the link between the first chakra and money and how our relationships with family impact our relationship with money.

This week I want to look at the link between the second chakra and money.

The second chakra is the sexual, pleasure and creativity chakra and is located below your belly button.

Where the first chakra is all about survival in relation to the tribe, the second chakra is all about who we are in relation to ourselves.

It’s about the relationship we have with ourselves and we can only ever know ourselves through others as kids.

Why the First Chakra is Really a Money Chakra

A few weeks ago I mentioned how Joburg had a different impact on my relationship with money.

As soon as I noticed this, I decided to just be still and spend the month of June in South Africa and not just leave for Thailand.

I decided to visit my mom in the village and open myself up to being triggered so I can clear all the remnants that are still hanging out in my energy sphere. 

I think this family work is important because it impacts our emotions and energy levels no matter where we are in the world.