How to Create a Consistent Stream of Income as an Artist

How to Create a Consistent Stream of Income as an Artist

I woke up to this message from one of the #MoneyMagic students a few weeks ago. 


In May 2021, she messaged me saying she reached her income goal.

Two years ago, making this kind of money every month, seemed impossible for her.

She is an artist and to see her live her best life and make good money doing what she loves during Covid is so beautiful.

Who says you have to struggle as an artist?

I work with many creatives and have helped them create a consistent stream of income. 

Some of them have even managed to buy property.

The #MoneyMagic course works because it's a combination of tapping into our own ancestral wisdom around money, healing the nervous system (we carry our money trauma in the body) and developing business strategies and business models that work for each student (not me).

There's no one size fits all business strategy/model, just because something works for me, doesn't mean it will work for you because there are so many factors at play.

Isn't it better to build and scale a business that works with our personalities, values and lifestyle goals?

PS: If  this is resonating with you and you feel:

✨ready to start tapping into your ancestral money wisdom and creating a consistent stream of income of R40,000/US$2,500 or more a month

✨emotionally and financially overwhelmed

✨ ready to start working on your finances and taking action from a space of self care and ease

Then invite you to enroll/get on the waiting list for the #MoneyMagic course:

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