How does Our Financial Expansion Benefit Others?

How does Our Financial Expansion Benefit Others?

I've been reflecting on how creating a consistent stream of income that incorporates ease and aligns with my vision and lifestyle adds value to those around me and here’s what I’ve come up with:

πŸ’₯ I have time flexibility, I can spend months at home in South Africa and I've had the time to help one of my aunts become debt free, which led to her building back rooms to make extra income and her taking early retirement (there are other ways to make money with ease) 

πŸ’₯ I was able to renovate my mom's house (without taking on credit) so she can host guests and make money. I host my retreats in the village in South Africa at my mom's house and I pay AirBnB rates for use of her venue.  I'm proud to say, my mom makes R6000 (US$400) for 3 nights, every time my sister or I host a retreat at her place. She's also had paying guests come to stay over since the renovations. My expansion has literally helped her create an extra income stream

πŸ’₯ I've been able to gift my mom with a 3 week vacation to SriLanka and Thailand, which included a 2 week retreat in ChiangMai, where she received 5 hour massages everyday for 2 weeks and she told everyone. My mom got karsai nei tsang (yoni/womb massages) done in those 2 weeks so I like to think that this experience increased her receiving set point

πŸ’₯ I was able to gift my sister with a trip to Vietnam cos it was her dream country to visit and we got to travel together and share the experience, which is priceless

πŸ’₯ I could afford to hire my sister for work at one of my retreats in Sri Lanka and pay for her plane ticket and accommodation. Also when my brother found out about this, he flew to Sri Lanka for my birthday so I we could all celebrate together which was so special 

πŸ’₯ When my brother gifted my dad and my step mom with a xmas trip to Dubai, I could fly to Dubai to spend Christmas with everyone because I could afford it. This meant a lot to my dad in particular and I cherish this memory 

πŸ’₯ My aunt's expansion galvanized her to share the work I do with other family members and we started hosting family retreats where we get to work through intergenerational trauma. So now my paternal family has annual retreats where we rent out a super luxe venue, hike, do the inner work, talk about money openly and even do womb healing with my aunts.  The connection that has come from that is priceless. I feel connected and held by these women in my family

πŸ’₯ One of my cousins has become my travel buddy in South Africa and she discovered her love of traveling and going on weekend getaways because I would gift us these adventures

πŸ’₯ I had the time flexibility and funds to go to Dehli, India for a dear friend's wedding and be there for her special day 

πŸ’₯ I had the time flexibility and funds to go to #London for my cousin's wedding 

These are just some of the reasons I'm soo passionate about financial expansion and helping people heal ancestral money trauma so they can unlock ancestral wisdom. 

Because the truth is - our expansion can benefit others and often does, especially when we are expanding for ourselves and not forcing our family and friends to go on the journey with us.

Ironically when we swoop in to help family and friends without their consent that causes more blocks and resistance... 

πŸ‘‰πŸΏ If this is resonating with you and you feel ready to start creating a consistent stream of income every month, expanding with ease and creating new options for your life then I want to invite you to check out my FREE 7 Day Tapping Into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training at this link:

When Expansion Feels Unsafe

When Expansion Feels Unsafe

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My Relationship with Money Changed When I started Focusing on My Nervous System