There’s no Shame in Being Poor or Struggling Financially

There’s no Shame in Being Poor or Struggling Financially

There is no shame in being poor and finding yourself spending money on crazy things 


Poverty is freaking draining. Not having money for months is depressing AF!

That ish made me suicidal.

And honestly sometimes the only thing that saved me was watching TV for days non stop.

There's tons of research that proves that poverty/ financial stress changes your brain chemistry, so you don't think or behave rationally with money

When you’re struggling with survival issues, you don't process information and things the way a rational person does because poverty is a freaking traumatic event and your brain registers it as such.

So even if you do suddenly make lots of money through "hard work", business, the lotto, tenders etc., you're likely to misuse it, because the brain may see having money as a threat, because it’s a new thing in your life and the brain is hardwired to only trust what it’s familiar with.

Our brains are hardwired for survival and if we survived in poverty then the subconscious is going to see poverty as familiar and by default - safe

Your mind is not here to make you wealthy but to keep you alive

As far as your mind is concerned, you have two options: you can be alive and poor or rich and dead. And spoiler alert - your brain will always choose the scenario that involves you being alive.

So if you’ve been through hectic financial stress, you need to focus on calming your nervous system and healing that financial trauma, especially if you come from a lineage where poverty was experienced from one generation to the next.

The link between oppression, poverty and money trauma

Research also shows that the trauma our ancestors carry is passed on from generation to generation UNTIL it is healed by SOMEONE in that bloodline.

Any racial or sexist incidents that our ancestors and parents endured affect our responses today and these responses affect our finances.

Do you think that people that were told they were worthless and not good enough for several centuries are going to believe they are good enough and will parent their children to believe they are incredible?

And do you think that 80% of those descendants are going to suddenly wake up and know that they are awesome and can be anything they wanna be? 

Do you think our fear and hatred of poverty has nothing to do with the trauma of the last centuries of oppression?

Do you think the way we’ve been portrayed as Black people hasn’t affected the way we show up and made us workaholics, who have a need to prove that we are not lazy? 

Oppressive systems change the way we see ourselves and there’s a deep healing that needs to happen so we can start creating real wealth and making and investing money from a different space. 

You cannot just think your way out of poverty or by working extra hard

This narrative of working harder to make more money is upsetting because it tells poor people that they’re poor because they don't use their brains or because they are lazy.

This is partly supported by the new age movement that tells people that they are sick or poor because they don't think positively or control their thoughts.

This is blaming poor people for being poor.

And all it does is make people who are struggling feel like crap because they think they aren’t doing enough. 

So they buy into this belief system that they need to work harder and barely sleep. And they feel even worse when hard work doesn't yield the required results. 

There are many variables to this money thing and we need to stop making it about positive thinking and hard work because let's be honest if those were the real metrics, Black Women in Africa would be way ahead.

There are so many other variables at play, and maybe we can stop shaming people for not having money because shame is actually causing a lot more damage than good.

If you’re ready to fully step into your power and start creating magic by tapping into your ancestral wisdom, then I invite you to register for the #MoneyMagic course. In this course I help women of color create a consistent stream of income of R40,000/US$2,500 or more per month with ease. You can enroll or get on the waiting list for the course at this link:

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