All tagged releasing financial fear

How To Process And Release Financial Fear

A lot of times when I was struggling financially, I'd give up my personal power in the present moment because I was so busy running away from my feelings about money in the present moment and denying my fear.

I was obsessed with being in a “high vibe” state and being constantly grateful that I denied my present state of being.

I bought into the belief that if I wanted to change my finances, I had to constantly monitor my thoughts and think of positive things, I couldn’t think or debt, as soon as I thought about my debt, I had to quickly change my thoughts and focus on income and making more money.

The crazy thing was that the thought of having money and making more money, freaked me out because of my deep money trauma.

When I did get tired of constantly having to be positive and having to visualize great success, I’d give myself permission to focus on my debt so I could develop a debt repayment plan.

But focusing on my debt would get me thinking about all the bad things that could happen in the future and would leave me frozen with fear.

I'd think – A month from now, I'm not going to be able to eat or pay rent because I don't have enough time to make this much money.