All tagged no money down strategy

Setting property investment intentions and understanding your investor archetype

From the minute we launched the Property Magicians Podcast, we focused on aligning and going within vs doing. We have always prioritized ease and listened to what our souls were asking us to do next. We work from a space of alignment vs doing

This class is about the energetics and emotional aspects of investing and money, so bring a pen and paper and let's clear blocks and connect with our deepest desires and listen to what our spirits want in terms of investing and then we will set the actions.

The Low Money or No Money Down strategy of Property Investing

In this week's podcast episode we talk to Obakeng Ben Malapile, a 25-year old a mathematics science graduate, real estate agent, YouTube vlogger and property investor.

His first investment property was bought in 2020 cash, in partnership with an investor that found him via his YouTube channel. They bought an apartment and turned it into a 5-bed multi-let abode and it cash-flowed from day 1…

How to Make Money from Sourcing Real Estate Deals

In this week’s Property Magicians episode we interview Alfred Kashindi, a 21-year-old property investor living with his grandmother in Soweto, South Africa.

Alfred is originally from Congo, his mom and dad came to South Africa when he was 5, as a refugee...

In 2019, he started realizing he was building a mindset and started reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and focused on working on his money mindset.