All tagged Inner critic

How Perfectionism And The Fear Of Criticism Hold Us Back Financially

We need to talk about the perfect kids.

The kids or teens who were the good kids, the straight A kids who were the model kids, the kids we were sometimes compared to growing up. We need to talk about how this weight of perfection holds them back in adulthood and holds them back financially.

These were the kids, who always did as they were told and were respectful to a fault. They rarely experimented in alcohol or cannabis and were focused on all the right things. Everyone had high hopes for them.

They were seen as successful before they even reached university.

I was NOT this kid.

I was the kid parents would feel sorry for or thank God their children weren't like that. I was too weird, too outspoken, too visibly tortured and I was a runaway teen with who spent time on the streets making friends with sex workers.

if anyone actually believed I woulproductive as an adult?