Don’t Curse Yourself out of Your Own Blessings

Don’t Curse Yourself out of Your Own Blessings

One day we're gonna have to have a conversation about how some men and women's money and life isn't coming together because they denied their own child, their own flesh and blood.

We’ll also have to talk about men and women who stop their partners from having relationships with their kids and manipulate them to abandon kids from previous marriages or situationships. 

One day we will have to talk about how some of those men and women's ancestors are just out here over that ish and instead giving blessings to those kids these men or women denied or abandoned. 

In such cases, even my work can't help you, in fact it may start causing deeper issues for you, because the issue is deeper than money trauma and it's between you, your ancestors and your karma. 

Things may start off well, but over time you may notice your luck running out.


You will wonder why your stuff isn't coming together, you will go from healer to healer and nothing will help.

You will swear you are bewitched or that your ex bewitched you and stole your luck. Truth is you bewitched yourself and now your ancestors are dealing with you in high def because bloodline and lineages are powerful things and you denied/abandoned their flesh and blood. 

In some situations it's best to do the right thing, save yourself the drama of karma and the spiritual world. 

Just my 2 cents.

PS: this doesn't apply to people who put up children for adoption or had abortions. This is for those people who are actively just refusing to acknowledge kids or support kids out of selfishness. 

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