On Leaving Places & Becoming Present With Money

On Leaving Places & Becoming Present With Money

I left India a few hours ago (the picture below is from my last night in Arambol, Goa) and I'm writing this email at Abu Dhabi airport at some ungodly hour (the cost of self employment).

Last night in Goa

My phone is doing some weird thing where it's showing me the time here in Abu Dhabi and showing me Indian time and calling it home.

It feels weird but in a way I feel like Goa became home for me in a such a short space of time. I fell in love with the province and can't even explain how out of synch it feels for me to leave.

I'm not the same person that I was when I left home. I've had a huge soul shift.

I desperately need sleep and time to process all that happened here in India. And some of it even involves men! 

If you know me then this would leave you stunned!

Of course tantra yoga is designed to open up the sexual chakra and heal past traumas. But still...imagine my shock when I had the intense awakening that Indian men and I have a mutual attraction to each other?!

My journey in tantra isn't about men, I promise!  It's very much about personal finance and understanding how to transmute sexual energy to attract money and easily create the life we want.

This is a big part of my next book and as you can imagine it's taking me on some interesting paths which is really challenging me on so many levels.

Who knew being a writer would do such exciting things to my life?

COMMITTING to increase emergency savings

I've spent time being emotionally present with my finances and am committing to increasing my emergency savings.

It's a huge commitment to myself but I want to honour my financial vision and hold myself accountable which is why I'm openly sharing this.

I met myself on this trip. I didn't always like what I saw and I spent at least 60% of the time crying but I feel like I fell in love with me - flaws and all and that's the most priceless gift I could give to me :)

Check Out the Interview I did With Get It done Mum


Releasing Financial Fears On a Physical Level

Releasing Financial Fears On a Physical Level

Choosing the Right Investment Vehicle

Choosing the Right Investment Vehicle