Behind the Scenes of the #WealthyMoneyRetreat in Mexico

Behind the Scenes of the #WealthyMoneyRetreat in Mexico

Yho fam, organizing this retreat has been a feat. When I say the best business decision, I made in Mexico was to learn Spanish, believe me. My Spanish is still basic but I have had to learn super-fast cos doing business here...speaking the language and being respectful makes all the difference in price and service. For real.

Mexico works on relationships in a way I have never seen.

When I say almost all activities have required me to go in person, get on WhatsApp and chat, ask for recommendations etc. All in Spanish, I mean it.

Just sharing a few of my WhatsApp messages. 2 of the people I know in person and have met them, 2 referred by contacts of mine.

This is what my WhatsApp looks like these days, since July. I am split between English and Spanish on that app.

I am just here celebrating that I am actually doing this. I am freaking proud of myself.

I am learning a whole new language and way of doing business because my spirit believes deeply that I will need this in the coming months. And I trust my inner voice, guides and ancestors.

This retreat has forced me to see myself and rethink my way of doing business. I am changed in many ways and trying to understand it. Soo much has happened in 5 months. I need to just rest and integrate when I get to Costa Rica.

I cannot wait for Thursday

#WealthyMoney #Slowtravel #Mexico

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