An Insider's Guide to The Law of Reciprocity

An Insider's Guide to The Law of Reciprocity

An insider's guide to the law of reciprocity

Did I ever tell you how I was once gifted a car?

About 10 years ago I was involved in a car accident. A drunk driver slammed into my car as I was driving to Scotland, UK from a little town in England called Woburn Sands.

I wasn't physically affected but the car was totally wrecked and to make matters worse, it wasn't my car but a rental car.

I'd left my car in Oxford with my friend and given her permission to drive it around.

A few minutes after my car accident (before I could call her), my friend called me to say, someone had smashed into my car.

I guess you could say this was a bad day for me.

Little did I know that 2 months later a friend would gift me with a car I loved and had been visualising.

And that that gift would teach me about the law of reciprocity and the power of giving in creating a life of abundance.

Watch the video below to learn more.


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