The Generational Trauma of Keeping Dirty Family Secrets

The Generational Trauma of Keeping Dirty Family Secrets

I don't think we talk enough about the generational trauma of hiding dirty linen and keeping secrets in families.

The trauma of burying truths in an attempt to "protect the children or the other family members."

How many families have been and are being torn apart by secrets and hiding truths that should be aired in public?

How many of us as women are carrying resentment, pain and hurt that we have hidden deep within our bellies and our wombs because of these secrets?

Ho are they manifesting as digestive ailments and womb issues because we’re choosing to protect others more than heal ourselves?

How do these secrets weigh on our souls and stop us from going home? Make us feel guilty because we don't want to feel the pain and the triggers? 

Here's what I know and have seen from a young age: family secrets have a way of coming out

One day an "inconvenient" soul is born into that bloodline and they feel everything and say: no more.

In my maternal line: my mom is that soul.

She shared everything and I mean everything.

She made it all public and it tore the fabric of the family apart. Growing up I hated it, I wished she would just keep quiet.

Today, I realize she freed my sister and I. 

We have no secrets to protect or laundry to hide. And of course I am out here constantly sharing the rest of the secrets on a larger scale. 

May we all be inconvenient souls, because if we’re not these souls, our children or grandchildren will be forced to be. And the blow back that comes from being this soul is hard, lonely and painful.

PS: If you feel ready to start healing trauma and start unraveling how family trauma is affecting your finances and start healing all that. Sign up for the #MoneyMagic course or get on the waiting list at this link:

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