All tagged financial trauma

How Financial Trauma Affects Our Finances

At least 80% of my financial life and my relationship with money has been influenced by events in my teen years.

When I was 13, my mom’s fancy car (she had 2 cars) got repossessed because she had an outstanding bill of R2000/ US$150 that she couldn’t pay.

She was only left with 1 installment and she couldn’t pay it.

This was the first time I realized that my mother was running out of money.

It was also the first time I became aware that money could run out and that felt strange to me.

My mom had spent most of her life making sure that we never wanted for anything, so up until this point, I didn’t know that a person could run out of money.

The trauma of watching my mom lose her car has stayed with me and has influenced the way I buy cars.

I’ve owned several cars in several different countries and have always bought all my cars cash.

I paid cash for all my cars, even when I was drowning in debt.

It’s never crossed my mind to buy a car any other way, in fact, the thought of having a car installment sends me into a state of panic.

Why Healing Financial Trauma Is The Key To Manifesting Your Financial Vision

Ray Dalio once said: “By and large, life will give you what you deserve and it doesn’t give a damn what you like. So it’s your responsibility to connect what you want with what you need to do to get it, and then do those things.”

I think this quote is onto something but life doesn’t give you what you deserve, it gives you what you think you deserve.

This is important to understand – you deserve everything life has to offer. That’s a fact. We all do.

The problem is we don’t believe this and we have created so many stories about what we need to do or be to deserve the things we want or have.

And nowhere is this apparent then with money and when we’re working on manifesting our financial vision.

Why We Financially Sabotage

Have you ever had moments in your life when your finances were just going well?

Where you’re just doing well with money?

Even if it’s for a week or a month or a few years?

Everything was just going fine, you were making the money you wanted, you were saving money, things were working according to plan and it looked like you were gonna be just fine.

And then suddenly, BOOM, something happens in your life and from that moment, everything just falls apart.

Out of the blue, there's an emergency, kids need things, cars break down, you’re dipping into your savings and going from saving to creating debt.

Sometimes this is a once off event that causes everything to fall apart for a long time and it just feels like we’re willfully sabotaging.

At other times, our financial sabotage happens at a specific time of the year, around a specific person or when we’re in a specific city or country.

When Your Financial Baggage Is Inherited and Is Not Your Own

When I was struggling with depression; a friend of mine asked me a very interesting question:

“How do you know that the depression you’re struggling with is your own?”

He explained that since traditional therapy hadn’t worked for me, it was possible that my depression could be from my ancestors and from 400 years of oppression.

He advised me to start connecting with my ancestors and to consider ways of healing my ancestors, at the same time I was healing myself.

It would take me years to fully grasp the power of that conversation. That conversation opened up a whole new way of healing for me and got me to start exploring inherited financial trauma.